Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Usage: MossArtistry respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. When you use our website, we may collect certain personal information from you, including your name, contact details, address, and payment information, solely for the purpose of fulfilling your orders, providing customer support, and enhancing user experience.

Information Security: We employ necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure your personal information is securely stored in our systems and to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Information Sharing: MossArtistry will not sell, rent, or trade your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent or unless required by law.

Use of Cookies: We use cookie technology to enhance user experience and website functionality. You can choose to accept or decline cookies based on your browser settings. Declining cookies may affect certain features of the website.

Children's Privacy: Our website is not intended for children under the age of 13. If you are under 13, please do not provide any personal information to us.

Notification of Changes: We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time and post updates on the website. Please check for the latest Privacy Policy regularly.